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读音英 ɡ#618v 美 ɡ#618vv给交给赠送赠与送给为某人提供,供给,供应 n伸展性弹性 第三人称单数 gives 现在分词 giving 过去式 gave 过去分词 given 例句She was given。

Because having a informer, today I know where our Director will be。

我相信我翻译的更好We all know, electrical light bowlb is invented by Edison, telegraph is invented by Morse, and telephone is invented by Bell, but how many people know who invented the cellphone? What。


251 On the technical side,telegraph lines are hard to maintain 从技术角度来说电报线路难以维修 252 In a sense the atmosphere bears resemblance to an ocean 在某种意义上说大气和海洋相似 253 Thereby higher latitud。

it is following the telegraph, telephone, radio, computer, after a great invention, the world#39s computers linked via the Internet, to communicate or share information resources Wireless phones with the Internet。

telephone 电话,telegram 电视节目,television 电视机。


Telegraph, telephone, radio, and television tied tighter and more intricate knots between individuals and the wider world从第一批骆驼商队背井离乡冒险出外经商之时直到现在,人类一直在编织着商贸和文化的纽带19。

since the introduction of lithography, Daumier and Grandville, who#39s cartoons began to germinate the promotion of photography, public and proof of recording the family have been changed Telegraph, telephone and。


现代大学英语精读5中goods move people move ideas move and cultures move 课文翻译如下Now computers, the Internet, cellular phones, cableTV, and cheaper jet transportation haveaccelerated and complicated these。

Let#39s do it!让我们行动! Diggin#39 in!渗人里面!猜的 Safety first, sir!安全第一,长官! We#39re pinned down!我们被压制了! We#39re being attacked!我们正在被攻击! *动员兵 Waiting orders等待命令中 Comrad?同志。

拿软件设计公司ELEKS来举例,他们已经开发出用Apple Watch 来启动 特斯拉 S型轿车的软件了软件甚至能让用户用Apple Watch来开关车门在 The Telegraph 报社的采访中,Cook还提到了Apple Watch其他的一些有意思的功能他说。



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